What is the biggest thing you are trusting God for? If you are like me, it is also what you are worrying about the most. If I am honest, and I did promise to be an honest blogger, I confess that I am worrying a great deal about the biggest thing I am trusting Him for.
You see, my amazing, beautiful, little girl believes that if her own birth mother didn't want her, then why would anyone else want her? She feels thrown away, wondering why, if her Chinese mother could only keep one child, then why didn't she pick her? Feeling unworthy and abandoned are the current lenses in which my daughter views everything, including herself. Like any good, self-respecting mother would do, I have fervently tried to fix this, but I can't.
Enter worry.
Or, enter trust.
This is the beginning of my "trust" journey because I know who can fix this. While I am profoundly worried about my sweet girl, choosing to trust will prevail in the end. My beautiful girl will one day see herself the way God and everyone else does. I have found a place to start:
"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track." (Proverbs 3:5-6, The Message)
Trusting, L.