Saturday, May 26, 2012

Everyone Needs an Angel

I have an angel. She does Zumba. 

My angel's name is Jan and she just turned 80 years young. Her favorite birthday gift? Red cowboy boots of course!  

Her words are sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. When Jan speaks to you, she cares from the depths of her heart, as if no one else mattered on the planet in that moment but you. 

Her words are life-giving and memorable.

She cries for your children's trials and heartaches when you cannot cry anymore. 

She speaks up for those who cannot speak for themselves and she defends the rights of the poor and needy.

She prays fervently and she's a fighter. A darn good one. 

She is funny:
Jan: "It is really cold out there, I should have worn a heavier jacket."
Me: "Yes, it's damp cold."
Jan: With a straight face, "Did you say it's damn cold or it's damp cold?", then she breaks out in a contagious laughter.
She is beautiful on the outside too...

Everyone needs a Jan. She inspires me to be a better everything. 

"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Proverbs 31:29

Grateful for my angel,