Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Greatest Privilege and Responsibility

Our children have one prominent way to see and know God's love and that is through us

We can't leave this to chance.

If we don't show our children God's love, who will?

We've learned the world is not the best teacher of His love. It says you have to look and dress a certain way in order to be accepted. It says you have to act a certain way, saying all of the right things at the right time in order to be affirmed and validated. The world says you can't make mistakes. 

The fact is we will teach and influence our children. The question is what and how?

It's a Privilege 
I know of no greater privilege we have than showing our children God's love through our words and actions. We are their first look into who He is and how much He loves them. We get to pave the way to the greatest gift there is!

It's a Responsibility
Are we showing them God's love is unconditional? Are we quick to forgive and restore our relationship? Does our love and grace flow freely during the "unlovable" times? We have one shot at this, but it's never too late. 

Here is my goal and prayer:
I want my children to know that God loves them no matter what and that nothing they have done or will do can do can separate them from His love. Nothing. When they mess up, and they will, everyone does, there are consequences but God's love is unwavering and isn't measured by their choices. It is a gift. The best one we can give them. 

Thanks for reading,


  1. Your words have blessed and inspired and carried the holy spirit to me today! (To convict me, not condemn me, about just what an awesome job it is to be a parent). You are so dear, dear Leslie. Thank you for sharing your heart and for being faithful to Him in your writing.

    1. He is the best Helper I have ever had being a parent, the most rewarding and difficult role I've been called to. I parent on my knees and feel as though I fail more than I succeed, but God is good through it all and uses it all. Amazing Love. Thank you for your encouragement sweet Morgan. I love you!
