Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Beauty of "Downton Abbey"

You have undoubtedly seen or at least heard about the PBS sensation "Downton Abbey". I can assure you, the cult following is warranted. Season three premiered last Sunday, January 6th on OPB. Watch it here. (Disclaimer: While I rate the show PG, a couple of scenes earn PG13/R ratings.)

Here are three reasons I'm hooked:

The Writing 

Wouldn't it be fantastic to have every word out of your mouth be brilliant? Where every response effortlessly waltzes off your tongue was clever and befitting? 

From Lord Grantham:
"No one wants every chapter of their life published."  
"Are you afraid someone will think you're American if you speak openly?" 
From the one who steals countless scenes, Violet, Dowager Countess:
"No guests should be admitted without the date of departure settled." 
"I'm not a romantic...But even I concede that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood." 
"What is a weekend?"
"Sir Richard, life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous." 
"Don't be a defeatist dear. It's very middle class."  
From the faithful servants:
"Better to pay money to a doctor than an undertaker." -Mrs. Padmore
"I'd rather have the right man than the right wedding." -Anna 
The Cast 

While Matthew Crawley remains no match for my Lord Manning, his ocean blue eyes ordain him as the perfect love interest for Lady Mary. Who doesn't need consolation in the fatherly arms of Mr. Carson? I envy the passion for social justice in Isobel Crawley and the meekness of Lady Grantham. No story is agreeable without characters we confess we love to hate such as Thomas, O'Brien and Sir Richard Carlisle. Boo! 

The Messages

Everyone has a story which will break your heart. 

We must never put anyone on a pedestal, ahem, Lord Grantham and his foolish, lamentable choice. 

No one is above forgiveness, think Lady Mary and Mr. Pamuk. 

What money can't fix, tea certainly can. (You know how I feel about tea.) 

Do not abandon your family, everyone makes big mistakes. 

Unconditional love is the best kind. We love you Anna and Mr. Bates. 

Share and do hard things. How beautiful to see Downton Abbey turned into a place of healing and recovery. Mr. Bates willingness to protect the honor of Lord Grantham at a colossal cost is more than admirable and self-less. 

I believe "Downton Abbey" also provides the perfect escape for a brief history lesson, for beautiful scenery, and for lovely accents. 

Thanks for reading,


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