Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Queen of Purge

Some people have named me "The Queen of Purge".  

My coronation originated over a decade ago after I helped sort through my mother's home encompassing 40 years of marriage. Her home felt like something was hung, stored or displayed in every square inch. Let's just say there was a voluminous amount of crap stuff.

I knew without question I never wanted to subject my kids to the overwhelming, tedious and unpleasant responsibility of having to one day sort through my excess stuff crap. 

Upon my arrival home from my mother's home, I could not purge excess fast enough. The experience proved exhilarating on every level. I learned quickly, less belongings equals less things to dust and worry about. Less belongings equals more free, creative space to enjoy your favorite things.

Later on, I held a "free" party.

You: "What's a 'free' party?"

Me: "A 'free' party is what you have after you've collected your 'excess'. Invite your friends over and offer them free stuff." 

Talk about FUN! Leftover excess after the "free party" is donated. 

Every day I try to donate or give at least one thing away. 

After reading a hilarious, thought-provoking and inspiring book "7" by Jen Hatmaker", I am in the process of implementing my own deeper mutiny on excess. 

Every item in my home must do at least one of three things:

1. It must bring me total bliss. Like this teacup:

After the hubs and kids, I just may grab this in the unfortunate event of a fire. I adore this teacup. It never fails to make my tea experience a thousand times better. And, I'm pretty sure I can bring this to heaven. 

2. It must bring me closer to Jesus. For example, I think of my fave books which have helped shape me.

3. It must perform a needed function. Think a toaster, a lamp, or a hat. 

Take control of your stuff. 

I promise, you won't regret it. Your friends, neighbors and family members will ooze with jealousy over your giddiness. 

Trust me, you will inspire them with your new, svelte home. 

Thanks for reading,
Queen L.